Sunglasses, sports glasses and reading glasses from Euro-Optics
Success assured with worldwide collection!
As a wholesaler you are expected to deliver reliably and quickly. And for the sunglasses and reading glasses product group you naturally meet all legal health and safety requirements. Not a single penny when you do business with us.
For more than 40 years we have maintained our worldwide network of manufacturers and suppliers in a personal capacity. Reliability, expertise and sustainability are self-evident core values that determine our actions. Every day again.
Reliable is for us:
Do what you promise!
Reliability is the most important aspect for every industry. And in our case, this applies not only to the security of supply of an ever-changing global collection, but just as well to the quality of service.
“A deal is a deal” is not just an empty slogan for us. It is a promise that we continuously deliver. You can rely on planned deliveries (goods and dates). That’s what we stand for.
Niels Dijkstal
Expertise and experience to be on the safe side
Where you often run the necessary risks when purchasing internationally, you are in good hands with us. We know the world of sunglasses, sports glasses and reading glasses like the back of our hand. For over 40 years, we have forged highly confidential relationships with the best manufacturers and suppliers. Nobody intervenes anymore. In this way we regularly meet in person and our contacts remain warm and professional at the same time.
The expertise accumulated over the years guarantees the expertise without us ‘leaning back’. We are still growing and enjoy our passion every day. In this way you are and remain assured of the best possible product quality and service.
Niels Dijkstal
Freek Bas
Sunglasses and sports glasses
Determine your own collection of sunglasses, perfectly tailored to the (local) market. It cannot be because of our impressive collection and accompanying stock: it is so extensive that the range always meets the wishes of the consumer.
You are always in the right place with a choice from our range. We offer various collections that are composed on the basis of the best price / quality ratios. See for yourself:
- A-collection: the largest basic collection of sunglasses with the best price / quality ratio
- Level One: the better sunglasses in terms of price / quality
- Revex: Complete collection of polarized sunglasses
- Indian: the tough bikers collection
- Dudes & Dudettes: all sunglasses that make kids happy
All glasses must in any case meet minimum (CE-NEN) standards. We go a step further. You know, of course, that the primary function of sunglasses is to protect the eyes from the sun’s UV rays. But this again depends on the material of the lenses, the filters applied and the coating of the lenses that filters the UV radiation before it reaches the eyes. Good sunglasses filter 99% to 100% of that radiation.
Read more about the characteristics of good sunglasses.
Read glasses
Our collection of reading glasses is known under our label INfocus. With this brand we offer top quality reading glasses varying in strengths from +1 to +4.0. We follow international trends and regularly update the collection with reading glasses that meet the latest criteria.
Sustainability lasts the longest
Many companies claim that sustainability is of paramount importance. Often people do not get further than invisible measures at the office …
Sustainability means many times more to us: we orient ourselves in all areas of trade. From design, choice of materials, production process, child labor, packaging and storage / transport. You can hold us accountable for each of these components to minimize all adverse effects on people and the environment.
In the field of social compliance, we work with all partners to improve working conditions in the global supply chain. To this end, we have joined BSCI and endorse this philosophy.
We are currently also involved in a plan to deploy an innovation in the field of recycling (waste) as a contribution to an even better circular economy. We would be happy to explain this further in a personal conversation.
Unnoticed everywhere
The “Euro-Optics” brand is virtually invisible in the market. Unlike our products. Our collections underline and reinforce the “brand” visibility of the retailers. You can find our displays and glasses in countless shopping areas or petrol stations. Across Europe.
Wholesale and private label fully taken care of
Just as unique as our range of sunglasses and reading glasses is the option to purchase as a wholesaler or to develop a complete collection custom-made. We are happy to advise on every aspect and ensure a problem-free composition, production and delivery. If desired, we can take over the entire warehousing process so that you can focus on the other business processes.
Euro Optics has been Europe’s leading eyewear wholesaler for 40 years. We design, manufacture and distribute sunglasses, sports glasses and reading glasses.
More infoPrivate label
With private label you create your own collection of sunglasses and / or reading glasses. That means more sales and higher margins with your own brand!
More infoSustainable
Corporate social responsibility is also becoming increasingly important for retailers. Contribute and create a product line from recycled materials.
More info